So it has been a very challenging two years for Mark and I as we prepare to move permanently to Georgia. We have made quite a few trips with our trailer and we are down to our last wall units, dressers, Nordic track and mattresses. Mark already has brought most of hi mechanic tools, but I still have my music studio equipment, my sewing machine and huge supply of my fabric, photography lights and jewelry designing stuff.

Our main difficult and costly challenge is finding a moving delivery company we can afford. Mark decided that the best option would be a out-of-state moving transport costing almost four thousand. We are hoping that our family, friends and church-ministry family would partner with us and help out with the cost.

Mark and I trust Father God that He will provide everything we need for our new ministry chapter. I hope you will pray about sowing into Mark’s ministry to the biker men and my Brave Flame music outreach. Please feel free to message us at my website and there is a donation button.