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The Calling


       Anita met Jesus Christ in a tiny Pentecostal church in Silverton, NJ on a Sunday night in April. 1982. A shy non-practicing Catholic girl, in bondage for many years and haunted by many ghosts of  abuse, rape, shame and hopelessness. A glorious healing light burst through that night, even though she trembled under the growling, accusing voice of the  tattoo-biceped, ex marine, who slammed his fist on his  worn pulpit. His glittering black eyes bore through her.

   "If you die tonight in a car accident.. Will you go to heaven or burn in hell?"

       She declared the salvation prayer and in that small church, Anita finally found a loving, accepting family that she had always wanted. She bloomed, making up for many lost years, enrolling in college  and graduating at the top of her class, Magna cum laude.  The earning of that degree was interrupted though, by the courtship with a demented man who threatened to kill her if she didn't marry him.  That domestic violent season which lasted almost two years   nearly took away her  exuberant faith and  new-found  nursing home ministry. But Christ never abandoned her.

Healing took place and resilience set her back on track. She met  lead guitarist, Chris Durante at a church picnic where he invited her to front his Christian rock band with him. The Lord began to hone Anita in her new role as lead vocalist-lyricist of "The Promise" and Chris, her and the band shared the Gospel of Christ to the NJ, PA and NY maximum security prisons, family festivals and community showcases.

Anita also grew in leadership positions, teaching behavior modification classes at Nutri-System Weight Loss Centers and as a youth advocate for  Youth Advocate Program. Just as she was enjoying her life, strange and debilitating  symptoms sent her to the hospital where she was given a diagnosis of Lyme disease. 1992 was riddled with hospital intravaneous Rosephin  treatments and Amomoxicillin antibiotic.

The next several years, with her immune system breaking down and battling many episodes of bronchial infections she almost died from carbon monoxide poisoning from her apartment's broken heater. The carbon monoxide did serious damage to her brain and deep depression set in and she was unable to sustain employment.

 But God wasn't finished with her yet. She found herself once more with hope and found another accepting family at non-profit Christian outreach,  Love in the Name of Christ, in the Fall of 1998.  Executive Director,  Carolyn Eyerman and project Manager, Joan Hodem saw  things in Anita she never knew she had. The six years there taught her even more about people and serving their needs. This was also where her journey with the guitar started!

Finding a Cure for dystonia

Jewelry and designs

finding my voice (BIO)

Joy in the Journey

Giant Slayer

Chasing 'em down, one at a time...

So, Anita Ivette Ferrer, was a gentle and fragile girl, easily frightened by the Outer Limits electricity monster and intimidated by her mother's raging temper tandtrums. Nonetheless, she had a dream. She sketched and sang and composed poetry  in careful calligraphy hand.

 A traumatic and threatening  encounter with a bullying classmate in her favorite art class shattered her pre-conceived notion that people were kind and could be trusted. The bullying continued till graduation day and she wore her cloak of shame and rejection like a weighted anchor. Doors don't swing open wide for  those who've suffered bullying,  abuse, poverty and/or molestation.

 But  in  April of 1982, Jesus Christ  opened wide  the door of grace and Anita walked through. Decades of deeply ingrained traumas and negative events were assuagged and she began to see more clearly that she had worth and God had a plan for her life..

Enrolling at Brookdale Community College, Anita  discovered that door of favor swung wide open and she rediscovered her poetry, singing and art. No longer fearful and distrusting of people, she was deeply curious and disturbed about injustice and social issues. er professors were impressed with her  empathy and passion to pursue studies in the humanities. Graduating with high honors despite great financial hardship and a violent failed, marriage, Anita knew that the best was yet to come.

     Anita's journey with Christ led her to chase and slay many giants, particularly health.  Lyme Disease  came in 1992 and then  carbon monoxide poisoning almost took her life in  1997.All during this time, Anita chronicled her life events through  her journaling and then came an invitation to learn the guitar.

   Her health lost it;s resilience from the damaging environmental assaults on her nervous system, but her love for composing songs and performing continued. Then were  menntoring broken women,  youth outreach and hospice. Outwardly, it looked as if Anita's continual suffering and down-spiraling health would  diminish her calling, but herdevotion and trust in Christ's promises was her saving grace and anchor.

Despite her present and most daunting giant, oromandibular-TMJ Dystonia from mercury poisoning, she continues to sing, write about and express her gratitude of facing death...and helping others to live!

Anita hopes to find a cure for the Dystonia so that she can travel and tour, speaking and singing about overcoming and getting better with age.Her heart beats for the glorious expectation of God's best through her. She hopes that her music and art will provoke intimacy with Christ and a deep empathy for hurt and broken people. She champions the  underrdog because she is a giant slayer.


In these turbulent and uncertain times, I must focus on peace.  I am a warrior-soldier, serving under  my commander-in-chef,  Jesus Christ.




Note: Audience, God’s children who seek more authority and victory

This is a very short blog.

Deep reflection and self examination has been my focus the last several months. because of unanswered prayers. Despite commitment to the usual protocol of praying,, reading and meditation of scripture and worship, I am far from seeing supernatural victories. As my beloved pastor Augusto Perez mentions often,,

It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search it out.” – Proverbs 25:2 (ESV).

And so, during my time of prayer this morning, my spirit was in great distress and I was weeping and groaning in my spirit. Pastor Augusto also reminds us that God hears the weeping and groaning of pure spirits as they cry for justice and answered prayers. I was grieving about many things this morning and I could have washed the bathroom floor with my tears.

Afterwards I picked up Pastor Robert Henderson’s book, Courts of Heaven. where I left off at my last reading. I’d never heard any teaching on the books of heaven and was astounded to learn that Father God has special books about our lives that contain the details and glorious assignments for us to accomplish during our lives on earth,

My prayer anguish has been being mired in this Dystonia limbo since 2007. It took about eight years to record and release my two albums. I also completed and published a a beautiful women’s inspirational book on LULU publishing website, but it deleted because of their restructuring their publishing format. My book, Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum also had to be postponed because publisher no longer accepted manuscripts in the Word prefect format. My manuscript now had to be converted to PDF. files and now my PDF CD was nowhere to be found. It probably is somewhere amongst my still unpacked office supplies. Because of our move to final move to our permanent home in rural Georgia., I still have yet to finish unpacking.

So, here it is Wednesday, July 10, 2024 The heat and humidify have been almost unbearable, causing my lungs to labor. This brutal weather is certainly not conducive for inspiration or creativity. My new songs lie dormant and unrecorded and my PDF CD is nowhere to be found. I am exhausted with grief and disappointment and I had to bring this burden Jesus today. I had to ask the Holy Spirit for help.

I feel somewhat better now and Holy Spirit gave me some revelation. He cleared my mind so I was able to discern why and where all the hindrances and delays were coming from. Holy Spirit truly is our helper and leads us into all understanding.

Brothers and sisters, remember that our Heavenly Father has a glorious game plan for our lives as depicted in our books. We must remember that satan is our relentless adversary who also has a destructive plan for our lives. For those of us with great callings, he is continually deploying powerful and destructive spirits to wreck havoc in our journey.

Deliverance minister, Alexander Pagani made a powerful statement during one of his podcasts. He said that we must advance from deliverance to dominion!. Wow!, that is a sucker punch to satan!

The solution to unanswered prayers and roadblocks of our divine achievements is militant , travailing prayer, pleading, (as pastor Pagani teaches in his book The Secrets to Generational Curses). We must be so desperate and angry about our lack of victory , losses and attacks that we bombard the Courts of Heaven with tears and groaning To obtain victory to override Satan’s attacks we have to be angry and determined that he will not overcome us! We must be as relentless in prayer as he is about damaging our progress. I believe this is the key to advancing from continual need for deliverance to having confident authority and dominion.

Some of us may have found that our normal routine of daily scriptura reading, forayer and even declarations are not giving us superior victory over our battles or crisis. We must remember that end-time powerful demons have been released and the warfare is hotter and more strenuous than ever. Many prophetic end-time whistle-blowers are blowing the trumpet of truth and dominion, to teach us how we are more than able to victor over these gigantic forces. Satan is barreling full speed with His destructive torpedoes. Never before has the church been so stampeded with destruction and defilement and we, ( the Church, the bride of Christ) must gird up our loins and saturate ourselves with supernatural strength and authority.

How do we overcome? Travailing prayer and allowing the Holy Spirit to groan through us is the key to dominion. Each of us are promised all the benefits and giftings of heaven, but it is up to us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Meaning that we must understand that our relationship with Father God and Jesus is based on sober assessment of our hearts, minds and motives. The Holy Spirit is the conduit who reveals God’s will and direction for our lives.

When we are faced with a crisis or battle, we may ask for prayer and asking for prayer is good and endful . And Father may graciously answer a prayer, but He seeks for us to mature and graduate and for us to learn to viscously take back what satan has stolen. Our militant battle may mean doing something in the b earthly realm, (disciplining oneslf to eat a strict, organic diet, quit smoking or exercise more). It could also entail the spiriitual discipline of separation form people and fasting .

I’m no pastor or prophet, I am just a songwriter, journalist on a quest for divine truth. I am sick and tired of beige sick and tired and I know the answer is militant prayer an d fasting. Though satan and his demons are as a tsunami against us, if God be for us who can be against us?

It is time for us to to acquiesce f rom our trivial Face book and Tik Tok pursuits and to untether ourselves form our computers. It is time for us to humble ourselves on our faces and ask Holy Spirit to show us clearly the assignments Father has ordained in our books.


Heavenly Father, show us how to maximize our gifts, abilities and time, ( as we are stewards of all you gave us.) Let us not be lazy. Let us work with our own two hands and let be a helper to our brethren as we builds your kingdom together. Thank you Holly Spirit for your conviction and let us not be offended when we are rebuked or given correction of our unstable, sinful or unproductive ways. Thank you that we are kings and priests , (with all earthly authority) and let us walk accordingly. In Jesus matchless name, amen!


I watched Mary K. Baxter’s video again on YouTube yesterday. Afterwards, I watched a very profound video from a young woman who was taken by Jesus to see Hell. She came face to face with a former Christian classmate who who died in a car accident. At the end of the video, this gal summarized what being a true Christian means in the most concise and accurate way I’ve ever heard. Some would wonder why I’d be interested in videos of what hell is like. The first time I saw a Christians in hell video, I was shocked and had to investigate. I wondered how it could be possible that a child of God could end up in such a horrific place? And so, I watched and listened intently as tears streamed down my face, to learn all I could about why a child of God could end eternally separated from God and Jesus.

This morning as I was waiting for direction for the Lord giving me my marching orders for the day, I recalled the song, Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God. Most of us Christian brothers and sisters remember singing and or learning the song, a staple as far as church song repertoires. So, I went to Mathew, chapter 6 where Jesus speaks of giving and prayer. If we are sincere, most of us aspire to please God and Jesus. We sing about seeking first the kingdom. Today I pondered the second part of the phrase, His Righteousness. So, what is God;s righteousness?

Immediately, as I asked Jesus, what is your righteousness? He reminded of Mathew chapter 25. Jesus, as judge, gathers His sheep to His right side and goats on His left. The sheep were faithful in seeing and filling the needs of the naked, hungry, the lonely and the imprisoned, but the goats were not. The faithful were rewarded but the unfaithful were cast to hell for eternal fire and brimstone torment.

In another video I watched, a woman who shared seeing two Christian men in torment. During their lives, an alcoholic man asked them for money to take his sick wife to the hospital. They balked and accused him that he would use the money for more alcohol. The wife died and the Christian men paid for their unrighteous judgment of denying aid to the needy person. This should shock us to our senses and wonder, “Have I denied because of my unfair assessment of a need:?

I heard of other Christians who were in hell for unforgiveness. A woman elder of the church, serving the Lord for over 35 years and doing great charitable works ended up in hell. She was bitter about her husband’s pat adulterous affair, refusing to forgive him in her heart.

These videos have seriously influenced the attitudes of my heart as I aspire to be conformed to the likeness of my precious, gentle shepherd, Jesus. He was ever compassionate and never hesitated to heal, forgive and restore, no matter what the condition of a heart.

(I’d also like to mention that I’m seeing brethren defrauding or taking advantage of other brethren due to laziness or non-challance. We are to work with our own hands, (as Paul did) making a living and paying his own way by his labors. We should not be defrauding or taking advantage of each other) 1 Cor. 7:5.1 Thes.. 2:9 Paul mentioned that he labored night and day not to be a financial burden to others. We all likewise should have the same attitude and also also want to help orphans, widows and the disabled.

Since serving Jesus since 1982, and having endured long seasons of terrible pain through illnesses, hardship and loss, I understand that if I am not fastidious about self reflection, my relationship can become hypocritical and shallow. I tend to despise the rut of routine worship and my daily morning prayer is that I’ll not be deceived into believing that I am okay when my heart really is amiss.

After watching these videos of Christians in hell, I am even more serious about self-examination and repentance. I ask Holy Spirit to give me the gift of passion, devotion, ( in spirit and in truth) to Jesus and Father’s kingdom work. Most of all desiring the blesser than the blessing!

What I learned from watching these shocking YouTube videos and understanding the Bible passages about true righteousness is that God is very serious about the intents of our heart. He sees everything we say, do and think. I’m also reminded that every iota of our being and activities is written in our book! This should sober us up to reflect..daily about God’s pleasure of us.

Righteousness is not the outward and robotic adherence to His commandments, but a heartfelt, humble and grateful attitude. Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

And last but not least, God loves a cheerful giver and many of us complain and split scriptural hairs about tithing and offering. If Father has blessed us with substance, (which is all His anyway), we should have a heart of gratefulness, knowing that we are not funding our pastor’s bank account but supporting the poor, needy and those suddenly hit by hard times. If we we sow generously, God will indeed take care of us when we face times of lack. Great is God’s faithfulness.


My eyes fell upon an interesting Tube music-related video, Everything Music, hosted by a very interesting man named Rick Beato. In the video, he interviews a beautiful and flamboyant female bass player from Mumbai, India named Mohini Dey.

It took a small portion of my afternoon, listening to Mohini sharing many and great details of how she rose to stellar status as a world renowned bass player. She named a host of famous players who she toured with and I was amazed at the energy and focus she possessed.

The very next day, another video piqued my interest. A beautiful female guitarist with knee length dreadlocks was dueling with a male guitarist. I had to watch this and I was not disappointed! After my curiosity was satiated, I suddenly wondered why both gals mentioned not a word of praise or acknowledgment that their incredible talents were from God. That got me thinking deeply about the origin and purpose of music and the reasons why and how its effects so influenced people’s hearts and emotions..

I was introduced to the magical and mesmerizing world of ,music the day a classmate brought in her Elton John record. I was only familiar hearing my mom’s German Oompa band and my dad’s salsa albums. Soon after hearing my classmates record, I heard about and followed great rock legends Aerosmith, Heart, Bad Company and of course led Zeppelin. I was unaware of the rock star lifestyle of drugs, sex and riotous living, because I was so focused on honing my won talents to become a fashion designer and rock singer.

So here I am a mature woman of God, an ordained worship minister-Psalmist and singer-songwriter, recording and producing sacred, inspirational and social-conscious albums. Though I’ve always dreamed of touring and working with top-notch players and producers ( and never went beyond the local level), I have been blessed to have learned to refine my craft and ears to excellence in my playing and performing. I have also given priority to my other gift: writing,

As my relationship with God and Christ has evolved to deep intimacy, they’ve given me some insight regarding the demise of musical icons and how their lives influenced and impacted our young people. In my introspecting and journaling, I’ve become increasingly disturbed by our youth’s diminished potential. I recently viewed a video a prayer warrior friend sent me, showing a of a horde of violent young men leaping and then stomping a police car. Several joined him, screaming vulgarities and acting like a herd a rabied monkeys. I shook my head in great sadness, wondering what parental upbringing they had and what music they listened to.

This is the same feeling I felt after watching an Eminem video years ago. Eminem lambasted his own mother, spewing expletives and being downright hateful. Words suddenly came to my head and I quickly grabbed a pencil to write the lyrics for a song I wrote and recorded,, which became Cool City. Please listen closely to the words for they speak of a young person whose desire was to be cool and glorified and wasted his life through drugs and violence. .


Parents, grandparents, teachers and politicians, the negative trends which have seduced most of our precious young people are killing them!

It disturbs me to realize that we, (God’s people) have not not been the salt of the earth, as influencers and repulsing evil and decadence. Many of us have become little more than imitators and imposters, regurgitating the antics, ideologies music styles of secular business moguls, music artists and sports stars.

Okay, we can’t deny the charisma and transcendent creativity of Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix Janis Joplin, Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Katy Perry and many others. Many of these artists , as youngsters, first expressed their gift from God in church. So what caused them to deviate from God’s special call and to end up dead from an overdose or suicide?

Over the several decades of living for Christ and focusing my music gift to positively influence young people and anyone hurting, I’ve learned a few things about satan and his evil devises. He is a deceiver and a liar and only the Holy Spirit can educate and protect us from veering from God’s plan and divine destiny.

Young people, please carefully read this blog and listen closely to The Holy Spirit whispering to your heart. Decide to make the adjustments you need to be healthy, successful and divinely guided by the most high God, Jehovah. Looking for fame, fortune and a bevy of admirers to share your bed each night?. You may eventually attain glory and wealth, but I assure you, when you keel over from a Fentanyl or heroine overdose, you will find yourself , in a horrific place and screaming in torment for eternity! When you are tempted and seduced by satan’s lies, continually asked yourself, “Where will this action or decision lead me?” And if you choose to run away in the opposite direction, know that God’s plan for you is always excellent.

That goes for Christian and worship artists also. Don’t be deceived into thinking that because you’re offered a record deal with a Christian label , (run by secular moguls who have no interest in furthering the Gospel or influencing people’s lives for Christ) you are in good hands. Most will require you to make a covenant with satan. The Christian music industry is riddled with corruption, hypocrisy, narcissism and abject filth, Even famous worship artists (and famous pastors and bishops) are being exposed for other-godly lifestyles and activities.

Jehovah God created ,music and downloads His glorious gift to his creation, in the hope of us worshiping Him in spirit and in truth. Music is powerful and can change the course or destiny of a person for good or for bad. God also crowned us with the second most glorious gift, (in my opinion) our brain! Having a sound mind enables us to think soberly and weigh the consequences of our decisions, Young people need to learn to navigate their brain with God’s word, (the Holy Scriptures). A good place to begin is the book of proverbs.

Proverbs 0:10 Aramaic translation: The beginning of wisdom is the awe of LORD JEHOVAH and the knowledge of the Righteous Ones is understanding;

That all being said, God created us to be conduits, watering the world with His grace, compassion and inventiveness. Why do we Christians copy the works and inventions of the non-believers? ZOOM is so convenient, (while we are being spied on) and where are the innovative computer techs who can create our own Christ network and social media platforms (bigger than Face Book)? I know there are many Spirit-filled business people who are billionaires and they should be networking and joining forces to create our own sanctified platforms, networks and entertainment enterprises. We Christians must untether ourselves from satan’s entrapments. Ungodly music, films and TV which promote promiscuity, drugs and greed are satan’s snares which drag people into the abyss of death.

A good start to begin the healing process of our damaged youth is to teach them to connect to Christ for divine inventions, creativity and music-art trends which powerfully transforms the fabric of our society. Let’s decide today to be trendsetters and forge new divine frontiers of of excellence and purity for our young people and the next generation!

I will be delving and sharing more deeply about music’s powerful influence in my next blog, The Lure. Consider Following me here. God Bless you!

Purchase Music


Anita Ferrer

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Christ-Centered rock social commentary Collection

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The Anointing, His Presence

Anita Ivette Ferrer

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Praise and worship collection during my difficult health journey. Jazzy-folly and pop rock Gospel originals.

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Anita Ivette Ferrer

Christian jazz hip-hop, neo soul and pop-urban . Special guest producer, Reverend Kevin Nunn, Cross Row Productions.

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Anita Ivette Ferrer

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MY debut album, song collection Produced by Ernie Wilkens, Gary Dates and Daryl Dahrouge. An eclectric collection of folk-rock, jazz hip-hop and jazz rock.

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Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. KJV” - Moses

— The Bible


Finding a Cure for DystoniA

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Lead Guitarist, Chris Durante

Guitar Artistry

So,  I met Chris Durante at a church picnic in the summer of 1989 and he asked me if I would front his  Christian hard Rock Band, The Promise. I was just a folk soprano who sang a capella with twin sisters in ursing homes. Who knew that God was preparing me for greater ministry and service  to people through my non profit Brave Flame  Productions.  Chris 's artistry has embellished most of my songs and albums over the years and  we are grateful for the influence and inspiration of the the Holy Spirit through us frail and fragile instruments!

John Mulrenan, producer-engineer, Acorn Digital, Howell, NJ has also been a long-time friend and music partner. He has lent his artistry to my projects on keyboards, piano, bass and programming.  His expertise has been invaluable. He is an underrated and transcendent talent!

And last, but not least is my  talented  husband, Mark, who has been my sound engineer.since we married. His extensive  experience  doing sound for NJ's best  bands has been  a valuable asset to my music. Bless God for giving me such a devoted  husband!

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serving people/filling needs

All People Matter

From singing and comforting elderly, lonely people to mentoring kids from  challenged family backgrounds, Anita understands people.

God Loves People

Areas of Ministry

1982  Nursing Home Ministry

1989   Maximum Security Prisons & Correctional Facilities

The Promise Christian Band

1998   Love in the Name of Christ  Christian non-Profit

Coordinator: Just the Right Touch

One on One Mentoring,  Helping  welfare recipients & displaced homemakers transition to the work force, supplying appropriate business clothing & resumes & mentoring, 

Youth Advocate YAP, Youth Advocate Program.

Mentoring youth in social & life skills: liaison between parents/guardians  with  social service agencies

2002 Vocal & Guitar Instructor 

Beginner to advance vocal instruction

2002-2017  Telephone Book distributor PDC

2005  Brave Flame Productions & Outreach inception non-profit entity

Homeless outreach, food & Clothing, Evangelism, Hospice & Bedside  Ministry, Funeral and Wake Ministry

Music & Entertainment 

Church & Family Events, Private Corporate functions,  First Communion & Baptism  events